
Foster Parenting

Many of us have positive childhood memories … of successful days at school, happy times with friends, the predictability and pleasure of family meals, and the loving arms of parents who kept us safe from harm.  As a foster parent, you can provide this same kind of care and support to a child in your community who has been removed from an unsafe home environment while their natural parents are receiving the services needed to stabilize the family and home. Being a foster parent brings joy and fulfillment! At Children First Foster Family Agency, we are deeply committed to both our foster children and our foster families.  We are diligent in providing the support necessary to make the fostering experience healthy and healing.  Learn more about becoming a foster parent, and other ways you can help the children.

In choosing the vital role of foster parent, you help to mold a child’s world in a positive way, allowing them to reach a fuller potential and develop into a responsible future citizen in their community.  For parents who have biological children at home, this experience teaches your own children the value of empathy and giving back to those who are in need. In many instances, lifelong connections between foster children and their foster families develop, bringing much joy to all through this extended family relationship.  Are you interested in creating an opportunity for children to learn and grow? Do you have a desire to strengthen your community and preserve families who are experiencing a time of need?

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For more information on
becoming a foster parent