Children First FFA

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So far Children First FFA has created 300 blog entries.

Transitional Housing Program in California | The Impact of Transitional Housing: Breaking the Cycle of Homelessness

One of the worst possible outcomes for any former foster child is winding up homeless. It is notoriously difficult to get back on your feet after becoming homeless, as there are so many factors that work against an individual in that situation. The transitional housing program in California is one of many tools available to help avoid this outcome, and we’d like to take a closer look at what it offers below.  What Transitional Housing Provides It might be surprising to learn that a place to live is only a [...]

By |2025-01-08T17:31:13+00:00January 8th, 2025|Transitional Housing Program|Comments Off on Transitional Housing Program in California | The Impact of Transitional Housing: Breaking the Cycle of Homelessness

Honoring Mike Logan: Celebrating a Legacy of Leadership as He Transitions from CEO

Mike Logan’s career has been profoundly rooted in serving others, particularly children and youth. He has dedicated his life to fostering healthier, happier futures for those in need. His mission has always been to create meaningful change in the lives of others. As a proven social business leader, Mike’s track record speaks for itself. From 1986 to 1999, he worked in and administered programs supporting individuals with mental health needs, developmental disabilities, and at-risk youth in residential care. During this time, he also founded and developed a hospital-based drug and [...]

By |2025-01-03T17:50:44+00:00January 3rd, 2025|Foster agency|Comments Off on Honoring Mike Logan: Celebrating a Legacy of Leadership as He Transitions from CEO

Independent living program in Tehama County | Beyond the Basics: Understanding the Services and Support in Transitional Housing vs. Independent Living Programs for Foster Youth in California

Finding a place to live is one of the biggest challenges for foster youth who are aging out of the system. The worst-case scenario is to end up in a homelessness situation, so it’s critical to find a solution to the housing need as soon as possible. Something like an independent living program in Tehama County could be a solution, but it’s worth looking into traditional housing instead for the additional support it provides. Let’s take a closer look at this matter below.  What Independent Living Provides Supervised independent living [...]

By |2024-11-21T23:36:48+00:00December 16th, 2024|Independent Living|Comments Off on Independent living program in Tehama County | Beyond the Basics: Understanding the Services and Support in Transitional Housing vs. Independent Living Programs for Foster Youth in California

Transitional housing program in Redding CA | Empowerment and Choice: Personalizing Your Journey in Transitional Housing for Foster Youth

The question of how to make the transition from child to adult is one that has plagued millions of people over the centuries. This is not an easy adjustment to make even under the best of circumstances – and foster youth certainly aren’t in the best of circumstances. If you are getting ready to leave the foster program and aren’t quite sure what you are going to do next, consider a transitional housing program in Redding CA as an excellent way to get on the path toward a bright future.  [...]

By |2024-11-21T23:36:20+00:00December 9th, 2024|Transitional Housing Program|Comments Off on Transitional housing program in Redding CA | Empowerment and Choice: Personalizing Your Journey in Transitional Housing for Foster Youth

How to Become a Foster Parent in California | Making a Difference, One Child at a Time: The Rewards and Challenges of Becoming a Foster Parent in California

Have you ever thought about serving your community as a foster parent? It’s an exciting thought, and one that many people have for a variety of different reasons. Whether you are already thinking about how to become a foster parent in California, or you are just beginning to look into the topic, there is plenty to learn. Educate yourself on how the system works and what you can get out of the experience before going any further.  Acknowledging the Challenges We aren’t going to pretend that serving as a foster [...]

By |2024-11-21T23:33:15+00:00December 2nd, 2024|Foster Parent|Comments Off on How to Become a Foster Parent in California | Making a Difference, One Child at a Time: The Rewards and Challenges of Becoming a Foster Parent in California

Intensive services foster care training in California | Empowering Foster Parents: Support and Training Opportunities in California

There is no question that foster care is an intimidating challenge. It’s an exciting one, for sure – it brings the opportunity to help countless children in need of support. But what about support for the foster parents? There are great opportunities available, including things like intensive services foster care training in California. By getting the right help from the right people, the process will seem more approachable and you’ll be more excited than ever before to get started.  Training is the Key to Success In any pursuit in life, [...]

By |2024-11-21T23:32:44+00:00November 25th, 2024|Foster Care in CA|Comments Off on Intensive services foster care training in California | Empowering Foster Parents: Support and Training Opportunities in California

Resource Family Agency in Tehama County | Finding Your Perfect Match: How to Choose the Right Foster Care Agency in California

There are a few key factors that largely determine your success in becoming and serving as a foster parent. One is the approach you have to the whole process – if you come into it with an open mind, ready to learn, and anxious to serve your community, that’s a great start. It’s also a big help to work with a resource family agency in Tehama County that is going to truly partner with you to do great things. With a partner in your corner, life as a foster parent [...]

By |2024-11-18T15:32:05+00:00November 18th, 2024|Resource Family Agency|Comments Off on Resource Family Agency in Tehama County | Finding Your Perfect Match: How to Choose the Right Foster Care Agency in California

AB12 California | What is AB12 Foster Care in California?

Traditionally, foster care support is only offered to youth up to the age of 18. After they reach their 18th birthday, young people are considered to have “aged out” of the system and will be mostly on their own. While some programs are available to help young people leaving foster care, such as an independent living program, it isn’t always enough to help those in need. That has been changed by AB12 California, also called the California Fostering Connections to Success Act.  A Quick Explanation When you take a closer [...]

By |2024-11-18T15:23:26+00:00November 18th, 2024|Foster Care in CA|Comments Off on AB12 California | What is AB12 Foster Care in California?

Independent Living Program in California | Eligibility and Requirements: Decoding the Qualifications for Transitional Housing and Independent Living Programs in California

A big part of taking advantage of an independent living program in California is first determining if you are eligible for the program. Too many people wind up missing out on potential aid because they aren’t sure if they qualify – and they don’t reach out to ask for help. Let’s take a moment to go over the basic qualifications for these programs so you can take a big step toward getting the aid you deserve. Looking at ILP First, let’s take a look at the basics of ILP. This [...]

By |2024-11-15T17:56:38+00:00November 15th, 2024|Independent Living|Comments Off on Independent Living Program in California | Eligibility and Requirements: Decoding the Qualifications for Transitional Housing and Independent Living Programs in California

Transitional Housing Program in California | Building a Brighter Future: Financial Assistance and Employment Support in Transitional Housing for Foster Youth

It’s easy to focus only on the “housing” part of the transitional housing program in California. And, to be sure, that’s an important feature – having secure, reliable housing is critically important to stay on track in life. Fortunately, that’s not all that is offered by this important program, and participants also stand to benefit by taking advantage of the financial assistance and employment support elements included.  Avoiding Common Problems for Former Foster Youth Putting together the money that is needed to get through daily life in the modern world [...]

By |2024-11-15T18:09:35+00:00November 15th, 2024|Transitional Housing Program|Comments Off on Transitional Housing Program in California | Building a Brighter Future: Financial Assistance and Employment Support in Transitional Housing for Foster Youth
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