The Purpose of Foster Care
Foster care is a vital part of every community. The primary purpose is to provide a safe, temporary placement for children who cannot remain safely in the home of their parent(s).
Foster care is designed to be a temporary service, responding to crises in the lives of children and their families. There is an expectation that children who enter care will either return to their parents as soon as possible, or will be provided with a permanent, safe, stable, and loving family through placement with relatives or adoption.
During the time that the child is out of the home, Social Services provides reunification programs to the biological family so that the child can return to the parents’ home. In order to facilitate this, our social workers collaborate with Social Services to implement a plan for each child. If the child cannot be returned to the parents, a permanency plan will be implemented.
Foster families provide a safe, nurturing, stable, environment for children while the family is resolving the issues in their home, and working toward reunification.

Making A Difference
Becoming a resource parent is an act of love. Your life is changed as you give a child a home and a future.
Being a resource family will be one of the most rewarding and challenging things you have ever done. You will make a difference in a child’s life that will not only give them a better future but will also impact you and your family.
Your children will develop skills to become outstanding young adults as they learn to share and give from their abundance to make another child’s life better.
Foster Care FAQs
Foster care is a temporary placement of children and youth with families outside of their own home due to child abuse or neglect. The goal is to provide a safe, stable, and nurturing environment for the child until such time as they can safely return to their home.
There are just a few universal requirements to become a resource parent:
- Age 18 or older
- Criminal background check
- Family stability
- Character references
- Regular source of income
- Home safety inspection
- Family evaluation
Depending on the circumstances, a child may be placed in a resource home for one day or for several months to several years. Placement is for as long as it takes to achieve a permanent placement for the child, whether the plan is for reunification with the child’s family, placement with relatives, or adoption.
Each family or child is assigned a case manager who is responsible for providing support to the resource family. Supportive services (respite care, training, crisis lines, counseling, etc.) are provided by the agency.
Resource parents receive a monthly reimbursement that helps cover the cost of food, clothing, and other basic needs of children and youth in care. MediCal covers the cost of medical, dental, and counseling services for children and youth in care.
Yes. Families are needed for children and youth from newborn to 18. You can specify the age and gender of the child in your care as is appropriate for your family, and you always reserve the right to decline the placement of a child in your home.
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