foster to adopt

Adoption Home Study | How to Save $10,000 on Your Home Study for Adoption

Adoption Home Study | If you are just getting started in the adoption process, you may quickly be realizing just how expensive it can be. In addition to many other costs, an adoption home study can set you back somewhere in the neighborhood of $10,000. That’s a lot of money, and it can make adoption an impossible goal for some people.  An Alternative Option For those who simply aren’t going to be able to afford or don’t want to shell out $10,000 for an adoption home study, it is possible [...]

By |2019-10-10T18:26:52+00:00October 15th, 2019|foster to adopt|Comments Off on Adoption Home Study | How to Save $10,000 on Your Home Study for Adoption

Foster Care Adoption Shasta County | How Long Does It Take to Adopt a Child from Foster Care?

Foster Care Adoption Shasta County | If you are considering becoming a resource parent, one of the first things you’ll learn about the foster care program is that the primary goal is reunification. The system wants to bring children back together with their biological families, when at all possible. That is not always going to be possible, however, so foster care adoption in Shasta County becomes a secondary goal in many cases.  Every Case is Different As far as the timeline for foster care adoption in Shasta County, it’s important [...]

By |2019-09-08T21:59:03+00:00September 27th, 2019|Foster Care in CA, foster to adopt, Resource Parent Requirements in CA|Comments Off on Foster Care Adoption Shasta County | How Long Does It Take to Adopt a Child from Foster Care?

Adoption from Foster Care | Is It Possible to Adopt from Foster Care?

Adoption from Foster Care | As you start to consider becoming a resource parent, you may wonder about the possibility of adoption from foster care. Is it possible to adopt a child that you have been fostering, or are there rules in place that prevent that from being an option? Let’s take a look at this topic in this quick blog post.  Reunification Is the Initial Goal – Adoption is Considered Only When Reunification Is Not Possible The first thing that needs to be said here is that adoption from [...]

By |2019-08-19T18:17:23+00:00August 21st, 2019|foster to adopt|Comments Off on Adoption from Foster Care | Is It Possible to Adopt from Foster Care?

Reasons to Adopt a Child | Common Myths Regarding Adoption from the Foster System

3 Common Myths Debunked About Adopting From Foster Care And Reasons To Adopt A Child The reasons to adopt a child are many, and they are all important. Whatever your own reasons may be, they are meaningful to you and provide all the motivation you need to go through the process. Unfortunately, the option of adopting out of foster care is sometimes overlooked, often for reasons that are nothing more than myths. Myth: These Are Problem Children Simply put, this is false. Children wind up in the foster care system [...]

By |2019-07-17T20:25:51+00:00August 9th, 2019|Foster Care in CA, foster to adopt|Comments Off on Reasons to Adopt a Child | Common Myths Regarding Adoption from the Foster System

Reasons to Adopt | Have You Considered Foster To Adopt?

3 Reasons To Adopt Reasons to Adopt | At Children First FFA, we focus on reuniting foster children with their birth families, whenever possible. This happens in many cases, but it is simply not possible for all children. When a reunion is not going to be a viable option, adoption becomes the new priority. There are plenty of great reasons to adopt through the fostering program, as we will cover in this post. Doing a Great Service For a child, being in the foster program is a major challenge. Most [...]

By |2019-06-24T20:37:18+00:00July 11th, 2019|foster to adopt|Comments Off on Reasons to Adopt | Have You Considered Foster To Adopt?

Foster To Adopt | A Biological Child’s Perspective to Adopting a Child

Foster To Adopt | Adopting a child is a great act that can benefit not only the adopted child but everyone involved as well. With that being said, it is not always an easy transition to make especially for your biological children that are already living in your home. A biological child that now must transition to sharing their home with an adopted child can experience a great range of emotions. Here are some of the fears that can occur from a biological child’s perspective.   Loss of attention One [...]

By |2019-08-06T16:55:09+00:00April 4th, 2019|foster to adopt|Comments Off on Foster To Adopt | A Biological Child’s Perspective to Adopting a Child

Adopt Children | Adopting Older Kids: Independence vs. Attachment

Adopt Children | Adopting Older Kids: Independence vs. Attachment Q: When adopting older kids, how can parents balance the competing goals of creating attachment at the same time as honoring their teens need for independence? A: With patience and empathy.  This can be one of the scariest times for an adoptee.  The unspoken fear of total abandonment is ever-present at this stage of adolescence.  Teens have a natural, biological urge to separate and distance, yet there is also the need for continued bonding.  This paradox can feel confusing, disturbing and awkward for [...]

By |2019-08-06T17:48:33+00:00March 19th, 2019|foster to adopt|Comments Off on Adopt Children | Adopting Older Kids: Independence vs. Attachment

Adopt A Child | Books On Toddler And Older Child Adoption For Adoptive Parents

Adopting Older Children: A Practical Guide to Adopting and Parenting Children Over Age Four by Stephanie Bosco-Ruggiero, MA; Gloria Russo Wassell, MS, LMHC; and Victor Groza, PhD. – This is a wonderful resource full of practical and hopeful tips for parents who have adopted a child over age four from foster care or through international adoption. This thorough guide lists the issues an older adopted child faces and provides a comprehensive overview of problems and how adopting parents can successfully deal with them, including critical information about developmental issues; problems related [...]

By |2019-08-06T17:32:51+00:00March 12th, 2019|foster to adopt|Comments Off on Adopt A Child | Books On Toddler And Older Child Adoption For Adoptive Parents
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