Independent Living in Shasta

An Essential Education | Independent Living Program in Shasta County

When we talk about education, we usually think about what happens in school. Of course, that form of education is essential, as things like reading and writing are vital skills that will help a young person find their way in life. But for foster kids, there is another type of education that is just as important – learning how to live on their own in the real world. The Independent Living Program in Shasta County is aimed at providing this form of education for those preparing to leave the foster [...]

By |2021-11-18T19:59:52+00:00November 18th, 2021|Independent Living|Comments Off on An Essential Education | Independent Living Program in Shasta County

The Value of a Dollar | Independent Living Program in Shasta County

For young people entering the world of adult living, there is a lot to learn. That’s an understatement, of course, as little about life as a child will prepare you for what it’s really like to make your own way as an adult. This challenge is particularly difficult to overcome for foster children who don’t have the advantage of looking to parents for guidance and advice. The Independent Living Program in Shasta County helps young people overcome this hurdle and get their adult life started in a positive direction. Handling [...]

By |2022-02-07T21:27:42+00:00November 1st, 2021|Independent Living|Comments Off on The Value of a Dollar | Independent Living Program in Shasta County
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