For foster children, their 18th birthday can feel a little bittersweet. Sure, it’s exciting to technically become an adult, but there is a lot of uncertainty around this occasion. Once a child turns 18, he or she is no longer eligible for foster care in the state of California. Without a foster family to rely on for shelter and care, these young people can quickly be out on their own. This is why transitional housing in Sacramento County is so important.
A Softer Landing
The challenge of finding a place to live and a way to support yourself shortly after turning 18 is daunting, to say the least. It’s hard enough for older adults to pay all of their bills and afford secure housing – for a young person without a stable family life, this is nearly impossible. Fortunately, transitional housing in Sacramento County can soften this landing and make it easier for former foster kids to get their adult life off to a successful start. Things still won’t be easy, of course, but at least these young people will have more of a fighting chance.
Thinking About the Big Picture
When a foster child turns 18, the first concern needs to be keeping that young person off the street and away from homelessness. After that is accomplished, the next step is thinking about the bigger picture of their life – things like education, career opportunities, etc. But it’s nearly impossible to do that kind of planning without a comfortable place to call home. By taking advantage of transitional housing in Sacramento, former foster children can turn their attention to thinking about what they want to do with the rest of their life. This is a great program that helps to continue the important work done by the foster program.
If you are eligible for the transitional housing program and interested in learning more, apply now. If you want to become a mentor for the young adults in the THP program, contact Children First Foster Family Agency.
Children First FFA is a private, non-profit organization in Northern California that is dedicated to helping change lives by providing a safe place for children to heal in a culture of love, acceptance, and consistency.
Author: Children First FFA
Published: January 20, 2021