Moving from childhood to adulthood is hard. This tends to be a difficult time of life for everybody, even for those who have the benefit of a supportive family to guide them and provide financial support. The Transitional Housing Program in Redding CA is designed to help foster youth get through this tricky part of life successfully, and the tools available as part of the program can lead to incredible results. 

Avoiding Homelessness is Key

There is perhaps no more important piece of the puzzle when trying to transition from childhood to adulthood than staying off the street. It is notoriously difficult to get back on your feet after being homeless, even for a short period of time. This is a big part of why the Transitional Housing Program in Redding CA is so important. When foster youth use this program to secure housing, they are able to avoid the risk of homelessness while they work on finding a job, pursuing education, and more. It’s so much harder to do any of those things without a stable place to live, not to mention the risks that come along with being homeless. From this perspective alone, it’s highly valuable to engage in this program when getting ready to age out of foster care. 

Benefitting from Other Services

The Transitional Housing Program in Redding CA doesn’t stop at simply providing housing, although that’s a big part of it. Additionally, the program helps young people find living wage employment, points them toward higher education to brighten their future prospects, offers guidance for making big life decisions, and much more. Participants in the program are encouraged to take advantage of as many of these features and benefits as possible, as they will all make it much easier to get going in adult life. 

If you are eligible for the transitional housing program and interested in learning more, apply now. If you want to become a mentor for the young adults in the THP program, contact Children First Foster Family Agency.

Children First FFA is a private, non-profit organization in Northern California that is dedicated to helping change lives by providing a safe place for children to heal in a culture of love, acceptance, and consistency.

Author: Children First FFA

Published: March 7, 2024

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