It’s easy to focus only on the “housing” part of the transitional housing program in California. And, to be sure, that’s an important feature – having secure, reliable housing is critically important to stay on track in life. Fortunately, that’s not all that is offered by this important program, and participants also stand to benefit by taking advantage of the financial assistance and employment support elements included. 

Avoiding Common Problems for Former Foster Youth

Putting together the money that is needed to get through daily life in the modern world is never an easy task. For as tricky as that can be, it only gets harder when you are coming out of the foster system without the type of support that is typically available to other young people. With the financial assistance that comes with the transitional housing program in California, young people are given a fighting chance and can stay off the street while they are figuring out what will come next. With a place to live and the money available to pay for basic necessities, it’s easier to see a path toward an exciting, stable future.

Finding a Job is Easier With Help

Finding employment is often the most pressing matter for a young person leaving the foster care system, but where to look for a job isn’t always easy to figure out alone. This is where the employment support that is offered as part of the transitional housing program in California can come in handy. With guidance from a social worker, it will be much easier to not only look in the right places, but also prepare for job interviews and land a position. There will also be direction provided on how to pursue higher education that will open up new career opportunities down the line. 

If you are eligible for the transitional housing program and interested in learning more, apply now. If you want to become a mentor for the young adults in the THP program, contact Children First Foster Family Agency.

Children First FFA is a private, non-profit organization in Northern California that is dedicated to helping change lives by providing a safe place for children to heal in a culture of love, acceptance, and consistency. 


Author: Children First FFA

Published: November 15, 2024

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