Children First FFA

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So far Children First FFA has created 307 blog entries.

Transitional Housing in Placer County | What is Transitional Housing and Why Is It So Important?

The transition from childhood to adulthood is rarely a smooth one. That is true for people from any background, as there is simply a lot to learn and a lot to do as you attempt to become self-sufficient. Even if you have the benefit of a stable family and financial resources, you still may struggle to get on your feet after becoming an adult. Transitional housing in Placer County is a program designed specifically to help former foster youth make this difficult adjustment once they pass their 18th birthday. Supporting [...]

By |2020-10-02T19:05:08+00:00November 15th, 2020|Aging Out of Foster Care, Transitional Housing Program|Comments Off on Transitional Housing in Placer County | What is Transitional Housing and Why Is It So Important?

Transitional Housing for Foster Youth in Yolo County | Our Responsibility Doesn’t End on a Child’s 18th Birthday

When a child does not have a supportive and safe home life, he or she may come into the care of the foster system. This care can last until that child’s 18th birthday, provided the young person is not reunified with his or her biological family, or adopted by a new family. But what happens when the child turns 18 and ages out of the foster system? Does their need for assistance magically disappear? Of course not – which is why transitional housing for foster youth in Yolo County is [...]

By |2020-10-02T19:05:25+00:00November 7th, 2020|Aging Out of Foster Care, Transitional Housing Program|Comments Off on Transitional Housing for Foster Youth in Yolo County | Our Responsibility Doesn’t End on a Child’s 18th Birthday

THP Plus Requirements Sacramento County | For Those Who Qualify, Transitional Housing is a Huge Opportunity

Growing up as a foster child is a major challenge. There are plenty of emotional challenges that come with this kind of childhood, not to mention the practical struggles that are associated with not having family support. Even if the foster system is able to provide a child with a safe and comfortable place to live until his or her 18th birthday, plenty of obstacles still remain. One way the system can help out those in this situation is through transitional housing. All foster children nearing their 18th birthday should [...]

By |2020-10-02T19:10:02+00:00November 1st, 2020|Aging Out of Foster Care, Transitional Housing Program|Comments Off on THP Plus Requirements Sacramento County | For Those Who Qualify, Transitional Housing is a Huge Opportunity

Foster Family Agency in Mt Shasta CA | Getting the Right Help Makes All the Difference

As a foster family agency in Mt Shasta CA, we have helped countless people over the years navigate their fostering journey. In that time, we have seen just what a difference it can make to be guided by an experienced agency that has all the answers to your questions. This process can be difficult and intimidating without the right help, which is why so many people give up shortly after getting started. Don’t let that happen to you, partner with a foster family agency in Mt Shasta CA to make [...]

By |2020-10-02T19:10:45+00:00October 26th, 2020|Becoming A Foster Parent In CA, Foster Care in CA, foster family agency, foster to adopt|Comments Off on Foster Family Agency in Mt Shasta CA | Getting the Right Help Makes All the Difference

Foster to Adopt in Tehama County | A Great Service – And a Chance for More

Serving as a foster parent in your community is a great way to help young people in need. Whether or not you have interest in adoption, there is much to be gained and many memories to be made by acting as a resource parent. Of course, some get into this program with the hopes of growing their family. If you plan to foster to adopt in Tehama County, there are a few things you should know before getting started. Foster care can indeed be a great way to add a [...]

By |2020-10-02T19:11:12+00:00October 20th, 2020|Becoming A Foster Parent In CA, Foster Care in CA, foster family agency, foster to adopt|Comments Off on Foster to Adopt in Tehama County | A Great Service – And a Chance for More

Foster to Adopt in Siskiyou County | Intimidated by Adoption? Try Another Approach

For many people, traditional adoption can be an intimidating process. It is time-consuming, costly, and it often seems that there are more questions than answers. If you have looked into traditional adoption and aren’t sure that it is right for you, it might make sense to foster to adopt in Siskiyou County. By going through the foster system instead of traditional adoption, you may find that you gain a number of benefits while leaving some of the headaches behind. Understanding the Process Before you go too far down the road [...]

By |2020-10-02T19:11:29+00:00October 10th, 2020|Becoming A Foster Parent In CA, Foster Care in CA, foster family agency, foster to adopt|Comments Off on Foster to Adopt in Siskiyou County | Intimidated by Adoption? Try Another Approach

Transitional Housing Program in Woodland CA | Moving from Foster Care to Adult Life is a Daunting Task

Living in foster care is a challenge for any child. Sure, it’s better than the child being left with nowhere at all to go, but it’s still a struggle. Without the stability and familiarity that comes with a traditional family life, many foster kids struggle to find their identity and stay on a good path. Unfortunately, the challenges don’t end when these young people turn 18. Without a reliable family to lean on, many former foster kids wind up homeless. The transitional housing program in Woodland CA aims to avoid [...]

By |2020-10-02T19:12:01+00:00October 5th, 2020|Aging Out of Foster Care, Becoming A Foster Parent In CA, Transitional Housing Program|Comments Off on Transitional Housing Program in Woodland CA | Moving from Foster Care to Adult Life is a Daunting Task

Transitional Housing in Roseville CA | Addressing the Homelessness Problem Early

As you may be aware, homelessness is a problem that is only increasing in severity, both in California and around the country. While there is no one simple way to address this major issue, it is known that people struggle to escape homelessness once on the streets. So, keeping people out of that situation in the first place is an important strategy. Through the use of transitional housing in Roseville CA, it may be possible to keep some former foster youth off of the streets in Placer County and on [...]

By |2020-10-02T19:12:27+00:00October 1st, 2020|foster family agency, Transitional Housing Program|Comments Off on Transitional Housing in Roseville CA | Addressing the Homelessness Problem Early

Foster Care Tehama County | Giving Support to Those Who Need It Most

It’s hard to think of a group of people who need assistance more than children in foster care. After all, most young people are able to take for granted the fact that their parents will be there for them when needed. With that security blanket taken away, the world can be a big, scary, confusing place. This is why foster care in Tehama County is so important. With a strong foster system, it is possible for these kids to get the help and attention they need, and hopefully they will [...]

By |2020-10-02T19:13:53+00:00September 28th, 2020|Becoming A Foster Parent In CA, Transitional Housing Program|Comments Off on Foster Care Tehama County | Giving Support to Those Who Need It Most

Transitional Housing in Woodland CA | Is Any Assistance Available After a Foster Youth Turns 18?

The foster program is a valuable tool used to help children find a safe and comfortable place to live when their family home is not suitable or available. Every child should have the opportunity to grow up while having their basic needs met, and that’s what the foster system is designed to do. But what happens when one of these children turns 18? While their journey as a foster youth is over at that point, it’s unlikely that they are fully ready to take on life as an adult. With [...]

By |2020-10-02T19:14:59+00:00September 15th, 2020|foster family agency, Transitional Housing Program|Comments Off on Transitional Housing in Woodland CA | Is Any Assistance Available After a Foster Youth Turns 18?
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