Children First FFA

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So far Children First FFA has created 307 blog entries.

Become a Foster Parent in Tehama County | Creating the Right Environment for a Foster Child

If you would like to become a foster parent but are concerned about passing all of the necessary qualifications, we would like to offer some advice to hopefully simplify the process. While it’s true that there are a few restrictions that must be met before you can be approved, one thing you can actively work on is creating an environment in your home that will be suitable for a foster child. In other words, to become a foster parent in Tehama County, you’ll want to present your home as a [...]

By |2020-03-06T16:11:49+00:00March 12th, 2020|Becoming A Foster Parent In CA|Comments Off on Become a Foster Parent in Tehama County | Creating the Right Environment for a Foster Child

Transitional Housing in Sutter County | The Alternative to Transitional Housing is Not Pretty

Looking For Transitional Housing in Sutter County?  The foster care system has not been successful if all it does is help a child reach his or her 18th birthday and call the job complete. After all, the whole point of helping an individual through a difficult childhood is to allow them to thrive as an adult. Since the move from the foster care system out into the ‘real world’ can be difficult, transitional housing in Sutter County can play a vital role in helping former foster kids get on their feet [...]

By |2020-01-20T21:58:47+00:00March 3rd, 2020|Transitional Housing Program|Comments Off on Transitional Housing in Sutter County | The Alternative to Transitional Housing is Not Pretty

Foster to Adopt in Yreka CA | An Alternative to the Traditional Adoption Process

Have You Considered Foster to Adopt in Yreka CA? There are a number of challenges that come along with the traditional method of adoption. When trying to adopt an infant, you have to deal with many hurdles such as a lack of available children, high costs, long wait times, and more. It may or may not work out in the end, and there is sure to be plenty of stress along the way. For an alternative, you may consider the possibility of foster to adopt in Yreka CA. By starting [...]

By |2020-01-20T21:51:53+00:00February 29th, 2020|foster to adopt|Comments Off on Foster to Adopt in Yreka CA | An Alternative to the Traditional Adoption Process

Foster Care in Red Bluff CA | Foster Care Placements Need to Work for All Involved

Interested In Foster Care in Red Bluff CA? One hurdle that stands in the way of some potential foster parents joining the system is the concern that a placement will not be right for their family. Thinking that they are forced to accept any placement sent their way, some people simply pass on the possibility of providing foster care. This is a shame, and a misguided notion. When providing foster care in Red Bluff CA, you will have the choice to accept or decline a placement based on what is [...]

By |2020-01-20T21:47:49+00:00February 25th, 2020|Foster Care in CA|Comments Off on Foster Care in Red Bluff CA | Foster Care Placements Need to Work for All Involved

Foster to Adopt in Red Bluff CA | A Patient Path to Adoption

Interested In Foster to Adopt in Red Bluff CA? The main goal of the foster care system is to reunite children with their biological families. This is seen as the desired outcome, yet it is only possible in roughly half of all cases. For the other half, adoption is seen as another positive outcome, as the child can be permanently added to a loving family. If you are interested in the possibility of foster to adopt in Red Bluff CA, it’s important to know what the system looks like before [...]

By |2020-01-09T19:44:38+00:00February 21st, 2020|foster to adopt|Comments Off on Foster to Adopt in Red Bluff CA | A Patient Path to Adoption

Solutions For Youth Fund | 100th Request and Giving Trees

Solutions For Youth Fund | 100th Request and Giving Trees Solutions For Youth Has Fulfilled 100th Request In November, our Solutions for Youth Fund team was able to fulfill Red Bluff High School’s ONE HUNDREDTH REQUEST! This fund was created to help supply local homeless and at-risk teens with necessary items to even the playing field during their high school careers. We could not continue this mission without the help and support of people like YOU! From a 15-year-old male... “Thank you so much for the work boots, jacket and [...]

By |2020-02-03T18:07:54+00:00February 19th, 2020|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Solutions For Youth Fund | 100th Request and Giving Trees

Solutions For Youth Fund | Ways You Can Help The Youth

Solutions For Youth Fund |  Supporting Homeless Youth I’m a counselor at the high school and every day I hear multiple heartbreaking stories from so many students. Hundreds of kids are living with people other than their parents because their parents are drug addicts, in jail, alcoholics, dead, or unfit. Students come to school wearing the same old clothes every day, the same old shoes every day regardless of all the sadness and trauma that haunts them. One question gives so many answers, “Who do you live with?” My grandma [...]

By |2020-02-03T17:56:04+00:00February 17th, 2020|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Solutions For Youth Fund | Ways You Can Help The Youth

Solutions For Youth Fund | An Update On Progress From Mike Logan

Let me give you an update on what our team has accomplished since 2017 when we started Solutions for Youth. We have raised over $30,000 and spent over $50,000. More importantly, we have served 414 youth! We have also collaborated with 16 schools that cover an area from Yreka to Corning. Since I first heard that there were 3-400 high school youth in Shasta County alone, I wondered how this happened. Knowing this information, we've committed to finding a solution for this problem and created a program that has: Helped [...]

By |2021-01-25T19:09:31+00:00February 12th, 2020|Help homeless kids|Comments Off on Solutions For Youth Fund | An Update On Progress From Mike Logan

Transitional Housing in Sacramento CA | Helping Foster Kids Get on Their Feet in a Big City

Interested In Transitional Housing in Sacramento CA? Transitional housing in Sacramento CA | Ask any soon-to-be high school graduate about their plans for starting adult life and you are sure to get a range of answers. Some will be headed off to college. Others will plan to start a job in a particular field. Plenty will have no idea at all what they are going to do. The transition to adult life is hard for any teenager, and that challenge is significantly greater for a foster child. Homelessness is Likely Without [...]

By |2020-01-09T19:27:22+00:00February 10th, 2020|Transitional Housing Program|Comments Off on Transitional Housing in Sacramento CA | Helping Foster Kids Get on Their Feet in a Big City

Become a Resource Parent in Tehama County | Resource Parents are Extremely Valuable to a Community

Looking To Become a Resource Parent in Tehama County? In the digital age, it is easy to overlook the importance of real community. Sure, we are all connected more than ever before through social media and other channels, but those high-tech connections have limited value in the real world. When people are in need, they need tangible support from those around them. If you would like to become a resource parent in Tehama County, you will have the chance to contribute to your community in a very real, long-lasting manner. Friends [...]

By |2020-01-09T19:01:43+00:00February 3rd, 2020|Becoming A Foster Parent In CA, Foster Care in CA|Comments Off on Become a Resource Parent in Tehama County | Resource Parents are Extremely Valuable to a Community
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