Children First FFA

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So far Children First FFA has created 307 blog entries.

Foster Parenting in Siskiyou County | Don’t Let Foster Parenting Unknowns Hold You Back

Thinking About Foster Parenting in Siskiyou County? Many people are drawn to foster parenting for the tremendous good that it can mean for the life of a child – and the many emotional rewards that come with doing the job. However, it is easy to let the unknowns that come along with welcoming a child into your home hold you back from taking action. Thinking about foster parenting in Siskiyou County? Don’t be paralyzed by fear – contact Children First FFA and learn more about the system and how you [...]

By |2020-01-09T19:01:35+00:00January 28th, 2020|Becoming A Foster Parent In CA, Foster Care in CA|Comments Off on Foster Parenting in Siskiyou County | Don’t Let Foster Parenting Unknowns Hold You Back

Group Homes in California | Transitional Housing Offers Advantages Over Group Homes

Group Homes in California | Advantages of Transitional Housing Over Group Homes Group homes have long been seen as a solution for troubled youth and others who have no viable alternative to call home. However, in recent years, a number of troubling issues have been coming up with regard to group homes, leading many to desire a better solution. Rather than turning to group homes in California, the solution may be found in an expanded transitional housing program. Bringing Problems Together One of the potential issues with group homes in [...]

By |2019-12-09T22:10:36+00:00January 19th, 2020|Transitional Housing Program|Comments Off on Group Homes in California | Transitional Housing Offers Advantages Over Group Homes

Foster Care Yreka CA | Three Key Things to Understand About Foster Care

Have You Considered Foster Care in Yreka CA? There are plenty of misconceptions out there regarding the foster care Yreka CA has to offer. Unfortunately, this is one of the side effects of living in the internet age – there is always information available on any topic, and some of it is simply incorrect. If you are thinking of becoming a resource parent, don’t let yourself be distracted by false info. Instead, come directly to a reliable source such as Children First FFA for assistance. You Have Choices If you [...]

By |2020-01-09T19:36:01+00:00January 15th, 2020|Becoming A Foster Parent In CA, Foster Care in CA|Comments Off on Foster Care Yreka CA | Three Key Things to Understand About Foster Care

Transitional Housing in Sutter County | Homelessness is a National Crisis – Transitional Housing Can Help

Transitional Housing in Sutter County | Transitional Housing: A Potential Solution For The Homelessness National Crisis You don’t have to watch the news for long to hear stories about the problem of homelessness across the country. It seems that every major city is dealing with rising homelessness rates and the problems that go along with it. Homelessness is an issue that affects everyone, from the individuals that are homeless to the businesses and residents impacted by homeless camps, etc. Solutions are hard to come by, but transitional housing in Sutter [...]

By |2019-12-09T22:09:53+00:00January 13th, 2020|Transitional Housing Program|Comments Off on Transitional Housing in Sutter County | Homelessness is a National Crisis – Transitional Housing Can Help

Foster Care in Mt Shasta CA | Three Surprising Benefits of Providing Foster Care

Foster Care in Mt Shasta CA | 3 Surprising Benefits of Being A Foster Parent Becoming a resource parent is largely about helping your community and providing important care for children in need. But did you know there are plenty of benefits for you to enjoy personally as part of this process? Offering foster care in Mt Shasta is about more than doing good for others – it can be a great thing for yourself, as well. Open Up Your Perspective on the World Caring for a child in need [...]

By |2019-12-09T22:09:13+00:00January 7th, 2020|Becoming A Foster Parent In CA, Foster Care in CA|Comments Off on Foster Care in Mt Shasta CA | Three Surprising Benefits of Providing Foster Care

Foster to Adopt in Yreka CA | How Often Does Foster Care Lead to Adoption?

Foster to Adopt in Yreka CA | Foster Care From Adoption If you have begun to learn about being a resource parent, you may already know that the primary goal of foster care is to reunify the child with his or her biological parents. While that is the initial goal, that objective is not always possible for a variety of reasons. So, when reunification isn’t a possibility, adoption then may become viable. If you would like to foster to adopt in Yreka CA, contacting Children First FFA is a good [...]

By |2019-12-09T22:09:22+00:00January 2nd, 2020|foster to adopt|Comments Off on Foster to Adopt in Yreka CA | How Often Does Foster Care Lead to Adoption?

Foster Care in Redding CA | Hoping to Become a Foster Parent? Help is Available

Foster Care in Redding CA | Top Resources For Those Interested In Foster Care The prospect of being a foster parent is exciting, to be sure, but it can be a bit daunting, as well. If you are just getting started, you may have far more questions than answers, and the goal of offering foster care in Redding may feel a million miles away. Don’t worry! With Children First Foster Family Agency here to help, you won’t have to go through this alone. Get Straight Answers The internet is a [...]

By |2019-12-09T22:07:59+00:00December 20th, 2019|Becoming A Foster Parent In CA, Foster Care in CA|Comments Off on Foster Care in Redding CA | Hoping to Become a Foster Parent? Help is Available

Independent Living Program | Numerous Valuable Services Available Through ILP

The foster care system serves an extremely important role in helping children with unstable family lives make it successfully to adulthood. But what happens next? Sadly, for many foster kids, the future doesn’t look so bright once they are out of the system. It is the goal of the Independent Living Program to improve that outlook.  Services to Prepare It’s a big challenge for former foster children to move out on their own and make their way in the world. As many won’t have parents or other adults to fall [...]

By |2022-04-26T16:19:53+00:00December 16th, 2019|Independent Living, Transitional Housing Program|Comments Off on Independent Living Program | Numerous Valuable Services Available Through ILP

Foster care adoption Shasta County | Is It Possible to Adopt Out of Foster Care in Shasta County?

For some people, adopting a child is the only viable path to parenthood. The traditional adoption process can be notoriously time-consuming and expensive, making it difficult for some to become parents through that path. If you are hoping to adopt, you may have thought about foster care adoption in Shasta County as one possibility. But is this an option? It’s Not the Goal While it is possible to adopt when you serve as a resource parent, it is important to understand that the goal of the system is reunification first [...]

By |2019-11-12T15:47:41+00:00December 12th, 2019|foster to adopt|Comments Off on Foster care adoption Shasta County | Is It Possible to Adopt Out of Foster Care in Shasta County?

Become a foster parent in Redding CA | What Can I Expect If I Become a Foster Parent?

The fear of the unknown can be a powerful thing, and in some cases, it might prevent people from acting to become a resource parent. If you would like to become a foster parent in Redding CA, but you are unsure of what to expect, arming yourself with knowledge is the appropriate next step.  You Have Plenty of Control Once you have taken all of the necessary steps to become a foster parent in Redding CA, you will have control over the placements that you accept in your home. For [...]

By |2019-11-12T15:44:15+00:00December 8th, 2019|Becoming A Foster Parent In CA|Comments Off on Become a foster parent in Redding CA | What Can I Expect If I Become a Foster Parent?
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