Everything in life has a financial component. That’s even true for foster parenting. Even if you would prefer to ignore the money side of things and just focus on the impact you can have on your community, that’s not how life works in the modern work. When you decide to become a resource parent in Shasta County, you need to think carefully about what the financial piece will look like and how that is going to work for your family. 

Reimbursements Help Lessen the Burden

In addition to the time and effort required to care for a child, there is the expense to consider. Raising kids is costly, as every parent already knows. When you accept the placement of a foster youth into your home, there is financial support that comes along with that placement to help you provide the child with what they need to thrive. You certainly don’t become a resource parent in Shasta County for the financial rewards, but you are supported in this way to make it a more viable service for you to provide to the community. Many foster parents would not be able to make it work without the financial support that is provided for things like school supplies, food, clothing, and more. 

Seeing the Bigger Picture

Knowing that there will be some financial support offered as part of the fostering experience, you can then take a moment to think about the bigger picture. If you become a resource parent in Shasta County, what is that going to mean for the rest of your family? How is it going to impact your lifestyle, the other people who live in your home, and more? There are plenty of factors to consider and you want to make sure to be on the same page with everyone else involved before moving forward. 

If you are interested in learning more about becoming a foster parent, contact Children First Foster Family Agency or apply to become a resource parent

Children First FFA is a private, non-profit organization in Northern California that is dedicated to helping change lives by providing a safe place for children to heal in a culture of love, acceptance, and consistency. 

Author: Children First FFA

Published: February 19, 2025

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