Foster Care in CA

Foster Care Yreka CA | Three Key Things to Understand About Foster Care

Have You Considered Foster Care in Yreka CA? There are plenty of misconceptions out there regarding the foster care Yreka CA has to offer. Unfortunately, this is one of the side effects of living in the internet age – there is always information available on any topic, and some of it is simply incorrect. If you are thinking of becoming a resource parent, don’t let yourself be distracted by false info. Instead, come directly to a reliable source such as Children First FFA for assistance. You Have Choices If you [...]

By |2020-01-09T19:36:01+00:00January 15th, 2020|Becoming A Foster Parent In CA, Foster Care in CA|Comments Off on Foster Care Yreka CA | Three Key Things to Understand About Foster Care

Foster Care in Mt Shasta CA | Three Surprising Benefits of Providing Foster Care

Foster Care in Mt Shasta CA | 3 Surprising Benefits of Being A Foster Parent Becoming a resource parent is largely about helping your community and providing important care for children in need. But did you know there are plenty of benefits for you to enjoy personally as part of this process? Offering foster care in Mt Shasta is about more than doing good for others – it can be a great thing for yourself, as well. Open Up Your Perspective on the World Caring for a child in need [...]

By |2019-12-09T22:09:13+00:00January 7th, 2020|Becoming A Foster Parent In CA, Foster Care in CA|Comments Off on Foster Care in Mt Shasta CA | Three Surprising Benefits of Providing Foster Care

Foster Care in Redding CA | Hoping to Become a Foster Parent? Help is Available

Foster Care in Redding CA | Top Resources For Those Interested In Foster Care The prospect of being a foster parent is exciting, to be sure, but it can be a bit daunting, as well. If you are just getting started, you may have far more questions than answers, and the goal of offering foster care in Redding may feel a million miles away. Don’t worry! With Children First Foster Family Agency here to help, you won’t have to go through this alone. Get Straight Answers The internet is a [...]

By |2019-12-09T22:07:59+00:00December 20th, 2019|Becoming A Foster Parent In CA, Foster Care in CA|Comments Off on Foster Care in Redding CA | Hoping to Become a Foster Parent? Help is Available

Teens in foster care | The Teenage Years Are Critical – And Vulnerable

When you picture a child in foster care, you may imagine a small child only a few years old – or less. Children of that age certainly need care from resource parents, but there are many teens in foster care, as well. Children in their teenage years are more self-sufficient in terms of day to day tasks, but they need just as much emotional support as a younger child.  Setting the Stage Teenagers are just a few years from setting out on their own in adult life. Even kids from [...]

By |2019-11-12T15:53:03+00:00November 30th, 2019|Foster Care in CA|Comments Off on Teens in foster care | The Teenage Years Are Critical – And Vulnerable

Managing Holiday Emotions & Stress

What can holiday stress look like? For a mixture of reasons, the holiday season can be a difficult time of year for children as well as adults.  Intensified feelings of loss, separation, everyday stress, obligations, financial burden, social commitments, travel commitments, and grief are common links to the stress and emotions experienced during the holiday season.  For children who are removed from their birth families, the holidays can be especially trying. As parents, it’s important to be informed and aware of behaviors that may indicate a child is experiencing stress.  [...]

By |2019-11-26T22:01:22+00:00November 26th, 2019|Foster Care in CA, foster family agency|Comments Off on Managing Holiday Emotions & Stress

Continuum of Care Reform | Providing Resources & Support to Maintain a Stable Permanent Family

Continuum of Care Reform | A stable home life is one of the key factors in a child’s development. Without a safe and supportive place to call home, it is difficult for children to reach their potential. Through Continuum of Care Reform, the state of California is striving to provide a stable family environment for as many children as possible.  Drawbacks of Congregate Care Youth who are placed in congregate care rather than living with a home-based caregiver tend to struggle at a higher rate. Those in congregate care drop [...]

By |2019-11-01T01:13:25+00:00November 12th, 2019|Continuum of Care Reform, Foster Care in CA|Comments Off on Continuum of Care Reform | Providing Resources & Support to Maintain a Stable Permanent Family

Foster Care for Teens | What do Teens Want from Foster Parents?

Foster Care for Teens | As a resource parent, you can face many challenging situations. Of course, helping children in difficult situations keep their life on track is probably what attracted you to be a resource parent in the first place. Providing foster care for teens can be particularly tough, but exceptionally rewarding, as well. If you can make an impact in the life of a teen, you will be improving the odds that the child will go on to have a successful adult life.  Stability First and Foremost The [...]

By |2019-10-10T18:12:13+00:00November 3rd, 2019|Foster Care in CA|Comments Off on Foster Care for Teens | What do Teens Want from Foster Parents?

Foster Parent Spotlight: The Joys and Pains of Being A Resource Family

Foster Family in Siskiyou County | A letter from the Akana family: Hi everyone! We're the Akanas, and we're a foster family in Siskiyou County. We've been with the Children First Foster Family Agency for about 7 years now. My husband (who just retired from the county last year), our daughter (who lives with us and helps out when she can) and I work together to provide a ‘home away from home' for our little guests. I can remember like it was yesterday our first placement call. I was caring [...]

By |2019-10-21T14:24:55+00:00October 21st, 2019|Becoming A Foster Parent In CA, Foster Care in CA|Comments Off on Foster Parent Spotlight: The Joys and Pains of Being A Resource Family

Foster Care Requirements in Siskiyou County | How to Help Children in Foster Care Who Have Experienced Abuse and Neglect

Foster Care Requirements in Siskiyou County | In a perfect world, all children would be raised in a comfortable, loving environment. Unfortunately, that’s not real life, and some kids are abused and neglected from a very young age. This is nothing short of a tragedy, and many people desire to step in and offer help. If you’d like to help in a meaningful way, consider the foster care requirements in Siskiyou County.  Making a Monumental Difference There aren’t many things you could do in your community that would make a [...]

By |2019-09-08T21:58:55+00:00October 3rd, 2019|Becoming A Foster Parent In CA, Foster Care in CA, Resource Parent Requirements in CA|Comments Off on Foster Care Requirements in Siskiyou County | How to Help Children in Foster Care Who Have Experienced Abuse and Neglect

Foster Care Adoption Shasta County | How Long Does It Take to Adopt a Child from Foster Care?

Foster Care Adoption Shasta County | If you are considering becoming a resource parent, one of the first things you’ll learn about the foster care program is that the primary goal is reunification. The system wants to bring children back together with their biological families, when at all possible. That is not always going to be possible, however, so foster care adoption in Shasta County becomes a secondary goal in many cases.  Every Case is Different As far as the timeline for foster care adoption in Shasta County, it’s important [...]

By |2019-09-08T21:59:03+00:00September 27th, 2019|Foster Care in CA, foster to adopt, Resource Parent Requirements in CA|Comments Off on Foster Care Adoption Shasta County | How Long Does It Take to Adopt a Child from Foster Care?
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