For many couples, adopting a child is a dream that it seems like may not ever come true. The road to adopting can be long and winding, but it certainly is rewarding in the end. One potential path to explore is foster care adoption in California. This can be an effective way to adopt a child – and to help many others along the way – but you need to know what to expect and how the process works before getting started. 

Understanding the Foster-to-Adopt Process

One of the common misconceptions about foster care adoption in California is that every foster child is eligible to be adopted. That is not the case. The primary goal of foster care is to reunify the child with their biological family, if and when that becomes a possibility. Of course, that outcome is not always possible, and when it is deemed that reunification will not be achieved, the child may become available for adoption at that time. It’s important for foster parents to enter the process understanding that not every child will become available for adoption, and it may take some time before the right opportunity presents itself. 

You Won’t Be Alone | Foster Care Adoption in California

While there are likely to be some ups and downs along the road to foster care adoption in California, you can take solace in knowing that support will be available throughout this journey. Working with a team like Children First FFA will give you access to experienced professionals who can answer your questions, ease your concerns, and generally help you travel this path with confidence. We take great pride in providing as much support as possible to the foster parents who serve our community, including those who are interested in adoption. The road toward adopting a child out of the foster system is easier to travel when you don’t do it alone.  

If you are interested in learning more about becoming a foster parent, contact Children First Foster Family Agency or apply to become a resource parent

Children First FFA is a private, non-profit organization in Northern California that is dedicated to helping change lives by providing a safe place for children to heal in a culture of love, acceptance, and consistency.

Author: Children First FFA

Published: February 26, 2025

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