Foster To Adopt Testimonial
“My wife and I got involved with foster care nearly four years ago. We started down this path because we had a strong desire to adopt children. Our first taste of foster care occurred under some weekend respites, which were actually fun to do.
Most of our placements were sibling groups, which were rather difficult, yet enjoyable. We were able to help potty train several kids, teach them, feed them, nurture them, and reach several life milestones together. Transitioning and preparing you for a child going back is horribly hard to endure, but it is part of the experience one may encounter while doing foster care. I remember taking some of the children on walks through the woods and their faces lit up when they saw everything around them. We also really enjoyed going to the movies with them, and watching them try new foods at different restaurants, going to a park to play, and reading to them at night.
We are currently in a plan of adoption with a child we have had since 1 day old. My wife and I routinely receive support from our social worker, as well as the pastor from church.”
Aaron and Hortensia, Foster Parents