Early in your journey toward becoming a resource parent, you are sure to have more questions than answers. With that reality in mind, working with a Northern California foster care agency is a great decision. Having access to the resources that an agency can offer will make the process much easier from start to finish. Not only will you have somewhere to turn when you have questions about what to do next, you’ll also have a trusted contact when a problem arises. Whether you are just starting to think about becoming a foster parent, or you’ve thought about this possibility for years, getting started with a Northern California foster care agency is a smart move.

The Legal Part of the Equation

It’s probably no surprise that there are some legal considerations involved with becoming a resource parent. After all, you are talking about taking on a huge responsibility – being put in charge of the care of a child for some period of time. This is an incredibly important job, so it can’t be trusted to just anyone who puts their hand up. Rather, significant documentation needs to be gathered and submitted as part of the application process. An experienced Northern California foster care agency will help you with this part of the process to get through any confusion or challenges that may arise.

A Decrease in Stress

There is no way around the fact that trying to become a foster parent can be stressful. You anxiously look forward to welcoming children into your care, but you also know there are many hurdles to clear and an uncertain future ahead. While working with a foster agency won’t necessarily make this a stress-free process, it will help to have someone in your corner. With a place to turn for answers, and somewhere to go when you need help, you’ll suddenly feel more confident about how all of this is going to work out.

If you are interested in learning more about becoming a foster parent, contact Children First Foster Family Agency or apply to become a resource parent.

Children First FFA is a private, non-profit organization in Northern California that is dedicated to helping change lives by providing a safe place for children to heal in a culture of love, acceptance, and consistency.


Author: Children First FFA

Published: April 2, 2021

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