As you may be aware, homelessness is a problem that is only increasing in severity, both in California and around the country. While there is no one simple way to address this major issue, it is known that people struggle to escape homelessness once on the streets. So, keeping people out of that situation in the first place is an important strategy. Through the use of transitional housing in Roseville CA, it may be possible to keep some former foster youth off of the streets in Placer County and on the path to a secure and successful life.

A Softer Landing

When a foster child reaches 18 years of age, he or she has officially ‘aged out’ of the system. At that point, the child is now an adult, and faces all of the challenges that come with that title. Those challenges include finding housing, income, transportation, etc. These hurdles are a difficult challenge for young people coming from supportive homes – it’s many times harder for a former foster kid who has little to no support. By applying for transitional housing in Roseville CA, these young adults can secure a place to live while they work on important steps like employment, education, and more.

Seeing the Big Picture

Providing help to young people in the foster system is incredibly important. But it would be a shame to allow that help to stop at the child’s 18th birthday, leaving them without the resources they need to transition into adult life. All of the hard work put in by resource parents along the way may end up being wasted. If you choose to support transitional housing in Roseville CA, you’ll be supporting the big picture of the foster care system. In other words, you’ll be supporting the fact that these individuals need continued support to make it on their own as young adults in an unforgiving world.

If you are eligible and interested in learning more, apply for the transitional housing program. If you want to become a mentor for the young adults in the THP program, contact Children First FFA.

Children First FFA is a private, non-profit organization in Northern California that is dedicated to helping change lives by providing a safe place for children to heal in a culture of love, acceptance, and consistency.

Author: Children First FFA

Published: October 1, 2020

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