Children First FFA

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So far Children First FFA has created 307 blog entries.

A Chance to Learn | THP in Sutter County

Education is a foundational piece of a successful adult life. It’s easy to take for granted for those who had abundant educational opportunities, but for some young people, education is hard to come by. This is true for foster kids, as they may struggle to enjoy continuity in school, and may not have the chance to pursue higher education. By utilizing THP in Sutter County, those foster youth can gain a variety of benefits, including the potential to make their way to college or another form of education that can [...]

By |2022-03-04T22:17:54+00:00November 7th, 2021|Transitional Housing Program|Comments Off on A Chance to Learn | THP in Sutter County

The Value of a Dollar | Independent Living Program in Shasta County

For young people entering the world of adult living, there is a lot to learn. That’s an understatement, of course, as little about life as a child will prepare you for what it’s really like to make your own way as an adult. This challenge is particularly difficult to overcome for foster children who don’t have the advantage of looking to parents for guidance and advice. The Independent Living Program in Shasta County helps young people overcome this hurdle and get their adult life started in a positive direction. Handling [...]

By |2022-02-07T21:27:42+00:00November 1st, 2021|Independent Living|Comments Off on The Value of a Dollar | Independent Living Program in Shasta County

Out of Jail, and on the Right Path | THP Provider in Yuba City CA

In addition to being more likely to wind up homeless, foster children are also at an increased risk of winding up in the criminal justice system. As a THP provider in Yuba City CA, we are dedicated to helping former foster kids find a safe place to live while they get started in adult life. If these young people are moved out of the foster system with no support, they may end up incarcerated in the near future. Stable housing is not the only piece of the puzzle that is [...]

By |2022-02-04T18:00:55+00:00July 24th, 2021|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Out of Jail, and on the Right Path | THP Provider in Yuba City CA

Former Foster Youth Housing Programs in Redding CA | Finding a Place to Live is Never Easy

For anyone, regardless of their background or upbringing, finding a place to live is one of life’s greatest challenges. Housing is expensive and maintaining a suitable home requires holding steady employment, managing finances, and more. When young people come out of the foster system in the Redding area, this challenge can be even greater. Fortunately, there are former foster youth housing programs in Redding CA available to help young adults in this position stay off the streets.  A Big Expense for Former Foster Youth Housing Programs in Redding CA It [...]

By |2021-08-26T19:54:41+00:00July 20th, 2021|Transitional Housing Program|Comments Off on Former Foster Youth Housing Programs in Redding CA | Finding a Place to Live is Never Easy

Staggering Homelessness Statistics | THP Agency in Yreka CA

Homelessness is a national crisis. This is true for the population as a whole, and it is particularly true for people who have spent time in foster care. Sadly, individuals who spent at least some time in foster care in their youth are far more likely than the general population to wind up on the streets. This ongoing struggle to find stable housing is why supporting a THP Agency in Yreka CA is so important. Transitional housing can go a long way toward helping foster kids get their feet on [...]

By |2022-02-04T17:43:11+00:00July 16th, 2021|Transitional Housing Program|Comments Off on Staggering Homelessness Statistics | THP Agency in Yreka CA

Intensive Services Foster Care Training in Red Bluff CA | Special Skills Are Needed to Provide Essential Care

All foster children need the attention and care that they are not being provided by a traditional family environment. However, some young people in foster care need additional support to deal with the challenges they may be facing. If you are interested in offering this kind of unique support to young people in need, Intensive Services Foster Care training in Red Bluff CA would be a great step in the right direction. Children in this category are an important part of the overall foster care system and the resource parents [...]

By |2021-08-26T19:54:51+00:00July 15th, 2021|Intensive Services Foster Care|Comments Off on Intensive Services Foster Care Training in Red Bluff CA | Special Skills Are Needed to Provide Essential Care

What is Supervised Independent Living? | Supervised Independent Living Placement in Red Bluff CA

One of the biggest challenges that faces any foster child is making the transition from the foster system into the “real world”. Starting an adult life is always difficult under the best of circumstances, so it’s easy to understand why foster children would struggle to make this jump. After all, most young adults can lean on their parents or other family members for help, but foster kids don’t often have that opportunity. This struggle is why Supervised Independent Living Placement in Red Bluff CA is such an important program to [...]

By |2022-02-04T15:12:34+00:00July 8th, 2021|Uncategorized|Comments Off on What is Supervised Independent Living? | Supervised Independent Living Placement in Red Bluff CA

Transitional Housing Placement Program in Alameda County | Getting Ready for Big City Life

As a former foster child heads toward his or her 18th birthday and starts to think about life as an adult, there are many challenges to overcome. Those challenges would exist anywhere, but they can be particularly daunting in the big city environments present in Alameda County, such as Oakland. The Transitional Housing Placement Program in Alameda County can help these young people land on their feet and give them a fighting chance at building a comfortable, prosperous life.  Dealing with the Cost of Living for Transitional Housing Placement Program [...]

By |2021-07-07T14:53:27+00:00July 8th, 2021|Transitional Housing Program|Comments Off on Transitional Housing Placement Program in Alameda County | Getting Ready for Big City Life

Everything is Easier with a Team | Intensive Services Foster Care in Redding CA

No matter what kind of challenge you are taking on in life, it’s always easier to face those obstacles with a team supporting you along the way. Doing things alone is difficult, both for practical and emotional reasons. With a task as difficult as providing Intensive Services Foster Care in Redding CA, it’s certainly important to have the right team behind you. Foster parents who qualify to serve in the Intensive Services part of the program will always have plenty of support to deal with the many difficulties that may [...]

By |2022-02-04T15:37:30+00:00July 1st, 2021|Foster Care in CA, foster family agency|Comments Off on Everything is Easier with a Team | Intensive Services Foster Care in Redding CA

Independent Living Program in Sutter County | Overcoming Three Major Challenges

The move to independent living is a major hurdle in the life of any young person. There is a significant fundamental difference between living in the home of a parent or caregiver and living in your own home. The Independent Living Program in Sutter County aims to make this transition easier for those coming out of the foster system. Let’s take a look at three of the major challenges associated with this period of adjustment early in life.  Securing a Place to Live for Independent Living Program in Sutter County [...]

By |2021-07-07T14:54:08+00:00July 1st, 2021|Independent Living|Comments Off on Independent Living Program in Sutter County | Overcoming Three Major Challenges
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