Children First FFA

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So far Children First FFA has created 307 blog entries.

Bringing Down a Barrier to the Future | Transitional Housing for Foster Youth in Sutter County

It’s hard for the average foster youth to see a clear path toward a successful, comfortable future. Even if the young person has some idea of what they want to do with their life, getting from one point to the other might feel nearly impossible. The foster program can’t take down all of the hurdles that come from not having a supportive family life in place, but offering housing to help these individuals move into adult life is one important way to pave the road. With Transitional Housing for Foster [...]

By |2022-06-29T13:17:47+00:00July 18th, 2022|Transitional Housing Program|Comments Off on Bringing Down a Barrier to the Future | Transitional Housing for Foster Youth in Sutter County

Why the Transitional Housing Program Works | Transitional Housing Placement Program in Marysville

Growing up in the foster program is a huge challenge. Even with the benefit of excellent foster parents who work hard to support the youth in this system, it is still difficult to make the move from childhood to adulthood successfully. The Transitional Housing Placement Program in Marysville CA is able to help foster youth through this tricky time in life by offering a range of services and benefits that can pave the way to get adult life off to a good start. It Starts with a Roof Housing is [...]

By |2022-06-28T19:09:35+00:00June 28th, 2022|Transitional Housing Program|Comments Off on Why the Transitional Housing Program Works | Transitional Housing Placement Program in Marysville

Foster Children Need – and Deserve – Continuing Support | Transitional Housing Program in Yuba County

When moving from childhood to adulthood, everyone needs support. It’s simply a difficult stage of life, even if all of the possibilities make it exciting at the same time. For most young people, the support they receive comes from their parents, whether it is in the form of a place to live or some extra money in the bank. That option is not typically available for foster youth who are reaching the age of 18 and leaving the system. Without such a safety net, the Transitional Housing Program in Yuba [...]

By |2022-06-02T18:11:10+00:00June 28th, 2022|Transitional Housing Program|Comments Off on Foster Children Need – and Deserve – Continuing Support | Transitional Housing Program in Yuba County

Demanding Qualifications for a Demanding Position | ISFC Requirements in Butte County

In the world of foster care, ISFC stands for Intensive Services Foster Care. This is an important classification within the foster care system, where foster youth who are facing specific challenges can get the care and support they require. ISFC is an extremely important service in foster care, and it will not be a good fit for all resource parents. Only those with the right qualifications – along with an interest in filling this role – will meet the ISFC requirements in Butte County. Determining Eligibility for ISFC Requirements in [...]

By |2022-06-02T16:26:46+00:00June 16th, 2022|Intensive Services Foster Care|Comments Off on Demanding Qualifications for a Demanding Position | ISFC Requirements in Butte County

Starting Early for Adult Success| Transitional Housing Placement Program in Yuba City CA

It would benefit all children to start thinking about adult life a little earlier than they do. Caught up in the busyness of high school, many young people don’t think much about what they do as adults until late in senior year when the reality of graduation is staring them in the face. This can work out in some cases, but for many – including foster youth – it’s best to start making plans a little earlier. Those in the foster system can benefit from using the Transitional Housing Placement [...]

By |2022-06-28T18:58:45+00:00June 6th, 2022|Transitional Housing Program|Comments Off on Starting Early for Adult Success| Transitional Housing Placement Program in Yuba City CA

Serving Your Community and More | Benefits of Renting to Children First THP Program

For some landlords, there is a bit of hesitation when it comes to renting to transitional housing programs for young adults. We have found that this hesitation stems from a lack of information about what the transitional housing program is, how it is supported, and what Children First FFA can provide to make sure the experience is a positive one for both the landlord and the youth living in an apartment. With a better understanding of the benefits of renting to the Children First THP Program, most landlords are happy [...]

By |2022-06-03T17:05:29+00:00June 2nd, 2022|Transitional Housing Program|Comments Off on Serving Your Community and More | Benefits of Renting to Children First THP Program

Get Ahead of the Game with Transitional Housing Placement | Transitional Housing Placement Program in Sacramento County

For all young people, both those from traditional homes and those in the foster system, it’s easy to put off planning for adult life until the last minute. After all, these kids are typically caught up in school obligations, sports, activities, friends, and more – so they don’t think much about what will come next. Unfortunately, putting off thinking about the transition to adult life can be troublesome, especially for foster youth. That’s why the Transitional Housing Placement Program in Sacramento County is something that deserves close attention. This program [...]

By |2022-03-18T16:24:51+00:00February 26th, 2022|Transitional Housing Program|Comments Off on Get Ahead of the Game with Transitional Housing Placement | Transitional Housing Placement Program in Sacramento County

Why Become an Intensive Services Foster Parent? | ISFC Training in Mt Shasta CA

Being a foster parent is difficult. No matter the circumstances involved, serving as a foster parent – or resource parent – is a challenge that one takes on for the betterment of the children in the system and the community as a whole. For those with experience as foster parents, taking on the additional challenge and responsibility of serving as an Intensive Services Foster Parent might be worth a closer look. After going through ISFC training in Mt Shasta, CA, you will be prepared and qualified to help some of [...]

By |2022-03-18T16:20:44+00:00February 18th, 2022|Intensive Services Foster Care|Comments Off on Why Become an Intensive Services Foster Parent? | ISFC Training in Mt Shasta CA

What Happens When Foster Youth Graduate From High School? | THP in Sutter County

For children who have the benefit of stable family life, the end of high school is often an exciting time. They may be heading off to college, pursuing career opportunities close to home, or anything in between. Of course, for these kids, there is often a fallback option in place – they can simply live at home if things don’t work out in the “real world”. That’s not available to foster kids, which is why THP in Sutter County is such an important program. By taking advantage of what is [...]

By |2022-03-18T16:16:22+00:00February 8th, 2022|Transitional Housing Program|Comments Off on What Happens When Foster Youth Graduate From High School? | THP in Sutter County

What Does THP Stand For? | Transitional Housing Program in Shasta County

In the world of foster care, there are plenty of different programs and acronyms to keep track of – and for those who don’t work daily in this space, it can all be a little bit confusing. One of those that you may be wondering about is THP, which stands for Transitional Housing Program. For example, there is a Transitional Housing Program in Shasta County, as well as many other locations around the state. With this post, we’d like to offer a basic introduction to what THP is and why [...]

By |2022-03-18T16:11:54+00:00February 1st, 2022|Transitional Housing Program|Comments Off on What Does THP Stand For? | Transitional Housing Program in Shasta County
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