Children First FFA

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So far Children First FFA has created 302 blog entries.

Serving Your Community and More | Benefits of Renting to Children First THP Program

For some landlords, there is a bit of hesitation when it comes to renting to transitional housing programs for young adults. We have found that this hesitation stems from a lack of information about what the transitional housing program is, how it is supported, and what Children First FFA can provide to make sure the experience is a positive one for both the landlord and the youth living in an apartment. With a better understanding of the benefits of renting to the Children First THP Program, most landlords are happy [...]

By |2022-06-03T17:05:29+00:00June 2nd, 2022|Transitional Housing Program|Comments Off on Serving Your Community and More | Benefits of Renting to Children First THP Program

Get Ahead of the Game with Transitional Housing Placement | Transitional Housing Placement Program in Sacramento County

For all young people, both those from traditional homes and those in the foster system, it’s easy to put off planning for adult life until the last minute. After all, these kids are typically caught up in school obligations, sports, activities, friends, and more – so they don’t think much about what will come next. Unfortunately, putting off thinking about the transition to adult life can be troublesome, especially for foster youth. That’s why the Transitional Housing Placement Program in Sacramento County is something that deserves close attention. This program [...]

By |2022-03-18T16:24:51+00:00February 26th, 2022|Transitional Housing Program|Comments Off on Get Ahead of the Game with Transitional Housing Placement | Transitional Housing Placement Program in Sacramento County

Why Become an Intensive Services Foster Parent? | ISFC Training in Mt Shasta CA

Being a foster parent is difficult. No matter the circumstances involved, serving as a foster parent – or resource parent – is a challenge that one takes on for the betterment of the children in the system and the community as a whole. For those with experience as foster parents, taking on the additional challenge and responsibility of serving as an Intensive Services Foster Parent might be worth a closer look. After going through ISFC training in Mt Shasta, CA, you will be prepared and qualified to help some of [...]

By |2022-03-18T16:20:44+00:00February 18th, 2022|Intensive Services Foster Care|Comments Off on Why Become an Intensive Services Foster Parent? | ISFC Training in Mt Shasta CA

What Happens When Foster Youth Graduate From High School? | THP in Sutter County

For children who have the benefit of stable family life, the end of high school is often an exciting time. They may be heading off to college, pursuing career opportunities close to home, or anything in between. Of course, for these kids, there is often a fallback option in place – they can simply live at home if things don’t work out in the “real world”. That’s not available to foster kids, which is why THP in Sutter County is such an important program. By taking advantage of what is [...]

By |2022-03-18T16:16:22+00:00February 8th, 2022|Transitional Housing Program|Comments Off on What Happens When Foster Youth Graduate From High School? | THP in Sutter County

What Does THP Stand For? | Transitional Housing Program in Shasta County

In the world of foster care, there are plenty of different programs and acronyms to keep track of – and for those who don’t work daily in this space, it can all be a little bit confusing. One of those that you may be wondering about is THP, which stands for Transitional Housing Program. For example, there is a Transitional Housing Program in Shasta County, as well as many other locations around the state. With this post, we’d like to offer a basic introduction to what THP is and why [...]

By |2022-03-18T16:11:54+00:00February 1st, 2022|Transitional Housing Program|Comments Off on What Does THP Stand For? | Transitional Housing Program in Shasta County

Homelessness – and Even Jail – Can Await Former Foster Youth | Transitional Housing Placement Program in Sacramento County

When you imagine the foster care system, you might picture a progression where a young person lives with resource parents until their 18th birthday, at which time they strike out on their own and begin to build a life as an independent adult. That’s a nice vision, but sadly, it is often far from reality. In the real world, it’s hard to build a life at 18 years old, and many young people who age out of the foster system wind up either homeless or in jail. To help cut [...]

By |2022-02-04T20:11:21+00:00December 24th, 2021|Foster Care in CA, foster family agency|Comments Off on Homelessness – and Even Jail – Can Await Former Foster Youth | Transitional Housing Placement Program in Sacramento County

At-Risk Youth Need Guidance from Trained Adults | ISFC Training in Mt Shasta CA

Young people placed into Intensive Services Foster Care need help from experienced and knowledgeable adults to deal with the many challenges they are facing at a young age. Going into foster care is a difficult experience for any young person, and some need more attention than others to handle the experience and overcome behavioral or other issues. Given the importance and difficulty of the situation, it’s important that ISFC training in Mt Shasta, CA is offered to those who are ready to take on this critical role for their community. [...]

By |2022-03-04T22:17:01+00:00December 18th, 2021|Intensive Services Foster Care|Comments Off on At-Risk Youth Need Guidance from Trained Adults | ISFC Training in Mt Shasta CA

Laying the Groundwork for Big Things | Transitional Housing Placement Program in Sacramento County

There are no shortcuts to accomplishments in life. Anyone, regardless of their background, will have to work hard to accomplish great things. Of course, the playing field is not level, and some individuals must work even harder than others to get the same results. That’s the case for foster children who don’t have the advantages that come with a stable, supportive family life. For young people in that situation, the Transitional Housing Placement Program in Sacramento County can be a huge asset. Seeing the Path Forward Without things like the [...]

By |2022-01-28T23:59:57+00:00December 12th, 2021|Transitional Housing Program|Comments Off on Laying the Groundwork for Big Things | Transitional Housing Placement Program in Sacramento County

Support is the Key Ingredient in Adult Success | THP in Sutter County

It’s easy for adults to think that they are solely responsible for their own success. After living as an adult for many years, and overcoming some of the challenges that come along with adult life, it’s easy to forget about all the help that was required to get to that point. In reality, few – if any – adults are completely responsible for their own success. More likely, there have been important people along the way lending a hand and building a platform that can support future growth. Foster children [...]

By |2022-02-04T18:42:35+00:00December 8th, 2021|Transitional Housing Program|Comments Off on Support is the Key Ingredient in Adult Success | THP in Sutter County

Why Become an ISFC Foster Parent?| ISFC Training in Mt Shasta CA

It’s no secret that any kind of foster parenting is a significant challenge. The people who become foster parents do so because they have a passion for helping both young people and their communities. It’s a lot of work, to be sure, but the rewards are many as you see young people given a chance to thrive in what is otherwise a difficult situation. So, with the known challenge of foster parenting, why consider becoming an Intensive Services Foster Care parent? Let’s look at some of the reasons below. And, [...]

By |2021-11-18T20:37:01+00:00December 2nd, 2021|Intensive Services Foster Care|Comments Off on Why Become an ISFC Foster Parent?| ISFC Training in Mt Shasta CA
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