Foster Care in CA

Preparing Your Home for Foster Parenting

So you want to become a foster parent? Whether you are planning to become one in five years or you’re ready to start as soon as possible, there are a few requirements your home will need to meet. Each state has its own set of requirements, but here are some of the main ones that are expected in most states. Your home must comply with codes. Does your home comply with all of the state and local codes for zoning, residential buildings, fire, and safety? You must prove to the [...]

By |2018-06-28T01:59:53+00:00September 30th, 2016|Foster Care in CA|Comments Off on Preparing Your Home for Foster Parenting

The First Day: How To Help a Foster Child Feel At Home

When a foster child comes to your home, it’s often a frightening and overwhelming experience for the child. He or she is being dropped off at the house of strangers and is now at your mercy. She doesn’t know if you’re safe and he doesn’t know if you’re going to be a harsh and exacting taskmaster. Everything is new and strange. Avoid Coerced Actions Welcome the child to your home with a soft voice and a warm smile, but unless the child initiates it, do not force them to hug [...]

By |2021-02-09T17:08:30+00:00September 13th, 2016|Foster Care in CA|Comments Off on The First Day: How To Help a Foster Child Feel At Home

Helping Foster Children Overcome Eating Disorders

Some foster children have experienced the trauma of not having enough to eat. Others turn to food to feel a sense of control in the middle of out-of-control circumstances or emotions. For these reasons, they may exhibit a variety of unhealthy food obsessions—even at extremely young ages. It’s important that foster and adoptive parents know how to respond in this situations. Types of Eating Disorders Food insecurity, the fear of not having enough food, and eating disorders show up in various ways. Here are some of the signs that your [...]

By |2016-08-24T15:22:42+00:00August 24th, 2016|Foster Care in CA, foster to adopt|Comments Off on Helping Foster Children Overcome Eating Disorders

How to Address Bullying, A Problem That Many Foster Children Face

Bullying is a prevalent problem in American schools. In 2015, almost a quarter of American students reported being victims of bullying in some form. Foster children are especially vulnerable to this. Sometimes, they are the aggressors, acting out their anger and frustrations on other children or simply trying to gain the acceptance of a social group. Here are some ways that parents can help to stop bullying. What Is Bullying? Bullying can take multiple forms of expression: Physical (tripping, shoving, hitting, kicking, taking/breaking belongings), Verbal (name-calling, threats, taunting, degrading comments), [...]

By |2016-08-10T11:48:21+00:00August 10th, 2016|Foster Care in CA|Comments Off on How to Address Bullying, A Problem That Many Foster Children Face

Developmental Challenges That a Foster Child Might Face

Foster children enter the system when there’s been a traumatic situation in their family, such as abuse, neglect, domestic violence, homelessness, or exposure to criminal activity, drugs, or alcohol. As a result, a high percentage of these children suffer from a variety of physical, cognitive, academic, and social-emotional challenges. Except for infants, the younger the child is when he or she is removed from his home, the higher the likelihood that he or she will face these challenges. Young children are especially vulnerable to disruptions to their safety and security. [...]

By |2021-02-09T18:29:55+00:00July 5th, 2016|Foster Care in CA|Comments Off on Developmental Challenges That a Foster Child Might Face

Helping a Foster Child Heal from Trauma

Whether you’re a foster parent or an adoptive parent, you may encounter a child who’s gone through trauma. Trauma results from any situation where the well-being of a child or someone they loved was threatened. Many foster children have experienced either neglect or abuse or witnessed domestic violence. When traumatized children come into your home, you’ll need to develop your home into a place for them to grow and heal. Create a safe place. A foster child may be surrounded by a whirlwind of chaos, relational instability, and domestic uncertainty. [...]

By |2020-12-29T16:19:15+00:00June 14th, 2016|Foster Care in CA|Comments Off on Helping a Foster Child Heal from Trauma

Facts and Myths About Foster Care in Shasta County

There are hundreds of children in foster care in Shasta County. These children have ended up in the foster care system for a variety of reasons and are in desperate need of loving and caring homes that can provide a safe and stable experience for them. Many people consider fostering, but they feel inadequate, nervous, or overwhelmed often due to misconceptions about foster children and fears of mental health problems. Who is a Foster Child? Children enter foster care at all ages for many reasons. Contrary to what many people [...]

By |2016-02-05T11:01:01+00:00February 5th, 2016|Foster Care in CA|Comments Off on Facts and Myths About Foster Care in Shasta County
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