Foster Care in Tehama County
Foster Care in Tehama County | Children First Foster Family Agency makes it possible for children and families to find each other. As a highly-rated foster agency, we have a proven track record of facilitating successful family units. We believe that parents who foster care in Tehama County deserve a supportive agency that equips them with quality resources.
Foster adoption is the avenue of adoption chosen by 37 percent of adoptive families in the United States. Through a foster agency, you’re able to build a relationship with a child before you adopt. You also have the option of starting with foster parenting before transitioning to adoption. Foster parents are generally the first families, after birth relatives, that we consider for adoption placement.

When you foster adopt, Children First stays with you through the process. Our social workers are skilled at providing the help you need. We understand that every child and every family is unique. With our connections to an array of supportive services, we’ll make sure you get connected to the right resources to help your family be successful.
It already costs a lot to raise a child. With a foster agency such as us, you have access to financial aid during foster care and adoption that would not be available otherwise. We make adoption possible for families who don’t have the substantial funds. Regular adoptions may cost as much as $30,000. With us, your adoption costs will likely be below $5,000. We believe in making it possible for you to realize your dream of adopting and for children to realize their dream of having a family.
When you choose to foster adopt in Tehama County, choose Children First Foster Family Agency to be at your side. Call us today to find out how you can give a child a safe, loving environment to call home.