If you and your spouse or significant other are struggling with fertility issues, the path to parenthood can seem impossibly long. The uncertainty that comes along with infertility can be difficult to deal with, as many people never manage to get any clarification on their medical issues. If you have turned your attention toward adoption as your desired path to parenthood, becoming a foster parent may be a logical next step. As a resource parent, you can positively impact many children, and you may wind up in a position to adopt one or more of those children as your own.
No Guarantees – But Plenty of Possibilities
It’s important to understand if you are hoping to foster to adopt in Redding CA that adoption is not the primary goal of foster care. At first, the goal for a foster child will be reunification with his or her biological family. So, while it’s possible to foster to adopt in Redding CA, that is not going to be the initial objective when a child is placed with any resource parent. With that said, only about half of the children in foster care will be reunited with their biological parent or parents, so many children end up available for adoption in the end.
Advantages Over Traditional Adoption
The traditional adoption process is known to be time-consuming, stressful, and expensive. It’s the financial undertaking that leaves many prospective parents thinking about the possibility of foster to adopt in Redding CA. Rather than incurring the significant costs of a standard adoption, you can become a foster parent and serve your community while also working toward parenthood. Although adoption is never an assured outcome, it is a possibility in many cases. And, even if you don’t wind up adopting a given child, you can still have a powerful impact on that child’s life as a result of the care you provide while they are in your home.
If you are interested in learning more about becoming a foster parent, contact Children First Foster Family Agency or apply to become a resource parent.
Children First FFAis a private, non-profit organization in Northern California that is dedicated to helping change lives by providing a safe place for children to heal in a culture of love, acceptance, and consistency.
Author: Children First FFA
Published: April 8, 2020