Have You Considered Foster to Adopt in Yreka CA?
There are a number of challenges that come along with the traditional method of adoption. When trying to adopt an infant, you have to deal with many hurdles such as a lack of available children, high costs, long wait times, and more. It may or may not work out in the end, and there is sure to be plenty of stress along the way. For an alternative, you may consider the possibility of foster to adopt in Yreka CA. By starting out offering foster care and potentially adopting a child at some point down the line, you can do a great thing for your community and potentially grow your family in the end.
Not a Certain Outcome
Those thinking of pursuing a foster to adopt in Yreka CA arrangement need to understand upfront that adoption is not the primary goal of the foster system. First and foremost, the system will aim to reunite children with their biological families. For this reason, it’s important to go into the process with the primary goal of simply providing care for a child in need. Reunification only happens in roughly 50% of foster cases, so plenty of children wind up eligible for adoption, but that is not the main goal from the start.
A Win Either Way for Foster to Adopt
It’s certainly exciting to think of the possibility of adding to your family through foster to adopt in Yreka CA. And, if that opportunity becomes available as part of your involvement as a resource parent, that would be great for both your family and the child. However, even without an adoption, the care you provide for a child facing a difficult situation will forever have a positive impact on that child’s life. You’ll be doing a great service for your community and can take great pride in what you have provided.
If you are interested in learning more about becoming a foster parent, contact Children First Foster Family Agency or apply to become a resource parent.
Children First FFA is a private, non-profit organization in Northern California that is dedicated to helping change lives by providing a safe place for children to heal in a culture of love, acceptance, and consistency.
Author: Children First FFA
Published: February 29, 2020