The foster care system serves an extremely important role in helping children with unstable family lives make it successfully to adulthood. But what happens next? Sadly, for many foster kids, the future doesn’t look so bright once they are out of the system. It is the goal of the Independent Living Program to improve that outlook. 

Services to Prepare

It’s a big challenge for former foster children to move out on their own and make their way in the world. As many won’t have parents or other adults to fall back on for support during this time, homelessness and joblessness are common. With the help of the Independent Living Program, young adults will be prepared with training in some of the following areas –

  • Money management and housing 
  • Decision making and self-esteem growth
  • Daily life skills
  • Finding and maintaining steady employment
  • Assistance with pursuing higher education

The exact services which will benefit a given individual will vary from case to case, but having so many options available can help former foster youth move toward a better future. 

Breaking the Cycle

Putting a former foster child on firm footing for their adult life will not only benefit that individual, but it will hopefully benefit future generations, as well. If the young adult who has benefitted from the Independent Living Program is able to establish a solid, stable adult life, they will be more likely to care properly for their own children when the time comes. 

If you are eligible for the independent living program and interested in learning more, apply now. If you want to become a mentor for the young adults in the independent living program, contact Children First FFA.

Children First FFA is a private, non-profit organization in Northern California that is dedicated to helping change lives by providing a safe place for children to heal in a culture of love, acceptance, and consistency. 


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Author: Children First FFA

Published: December 16, 2019

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