foster to adopt

Adopt A Child | Why Some Wait Until They are Older to Adopt A Child

When Should You Adopt A Child? Adopting a child is a big decision that not only changes your lives but the life of the child you choose to adopt. The potential parents should make sure that this is something they truly want and can handle. If you are a mature adult there is no “wrong” age to adopt a child. However, some people prefer to wait until they are older before deciding to adopt. Here are some reasons that waiting until you are older and potentially more mature is a [...]

By |2019-08-06T17:26:06+00:00January 29th, 2019|foster to adopt|Comments Off on Adopt A Child | Why Some Wait Until They are Older to Adopt A Child

Adopt a Child | 3 Reasons to Adopt A Child

Adopt a Child | 3 Reasons to Adopt A Child Choosing to Adopt a child can be a very rewarding experience and can truly change the life of a child for the better. Adopting a child helps give a child a second chance at having a loving family and can give the parents the fulfillment they have been looking for in their lives. Here are some reasons that people decide to adopt a child.   Infertility Some couples try to have children naturally but find out that that there is [...]

By |2019-05-24T14:10:02+00:00December 20th, 2018|foster to adopt|Comments Off on Adopt a Child | 3 Reasons to Adopt A Child

Foster to Adopt | 3 Reasons Parents Go from Fostering to Adoption

Foster to Adopt | Transitioning From Fostering to Adoption Foster to Adopt | Many parents start out as foster parents before they decide that adoption is right for their family. Both roles are very important for children that have been removed from their biological parents. Some parents decide that foster parenting many children over the course of their lifetime is what is right for them, while others decide that adopting children permanently into their family better suits their life goals. Here are some reasons that parents go from fostering to [...]

By |2019-08-06T16:58:56+00:00December 18th, 2018|foster to adopt|Comments Off on Foster to Adopt | 3 Reasons Parents Go from Fostering to Adoption

Adopt A Child | How to Know When Your Child Needs Therapy

Adopt A Child | How to Know When Your Child Needs Therapy   Adopt A Child | Your journey to become a foster parent (resource parent) is a noble and worthy cause in helping hurting children. When that child is first placed in your home it is easy for parents to get overwhelmed with the various and sometimes bizarre behaviors that foster children can express. It can be hard for foster parents to see through the behaviors to the real issues that lie beneath the surface. Here are 3 ways [...]

By |2018-10-08T22:11:36+00:00September 28th, 2018|foster to adopt|Comments Off on Adopt A Child | How to Know When Your Child Needs Therapy

How to Talk to Foster Adopted Children About Their Birth Parents

Children who’ve been adopted through the foster system usually come from troubled situations. Talking about their birth parents may be difficult and sensitive, but it’s still important to find ways to approach the topic. Adopted children have reported being concerned that it would hurt their parents’ feelings if they asked questions about their birth parents. Because of that, adoptive parents should initiate the conversation. Here are some ideas on how to talk about it. Talk About the Difficult Topics Foster children often enter the system as the result of abuse, [...]

By |2018-06-28T02:22:51+00:00March 20th, 2017|foster to adopt|Comments Off on How to Talk to Foster Adopted Children About Their Birth Parents

Keep Your Cool During the Foster Adoption Process

Being a parent is stressful, especially when a child in the family is a new member or has underlying behavioral issues. Many mothers find themselves shrieking at their children as they run around trying to please everyone’s needs and desires. Fathers often bark orders at children after a long and stressful work day. Most of the time, good parents feel badly about their behavior and try to change it. The following tips will help parents control their own anger and calm their angry children as well. Actively Listen In this [...]

By |2017-02-06T12:02:17+00:00February 6th, 2017|foster to adopt|Comments Off on Keep Your Cool During the Foster Adoption Process

Help Your New Family Bond with Foster Care Adoption

In 2008, nearly 136 thousand children were adopted. Of these about 37 percent were foster children adopted by the family of their placement. Children born and raised within their biological family are usually provided the opportunity to feel connected to their parents, siblings and grandparents long before they enter this world. Unfortunately, the same is not true for many adoption-eligible children. With foster care adoption, families are afforded the opportunity to learn about one another while giving the child a safe and comfortable setting in which to thrive. Through the [...]

By |2017-01-04T08:30:17+00:00January 4th, 2017|foster to adopt|Comments Off on Help Your New Family Bond with Foster Care Adoption

Helping Foster Children Overcome Eating Disorders

Some foster children have experienced the trauma of not having enough to eat. Others turn to food to feel a sense of control in the middle of out-of-control circumstances or emotions. For these reasons, they may exhibit a variety of unhealthy food obsessions—even at extremely young ages. It’s important that foster and adoptive parents know how to respond in this situations. Types of Eating Disorders Food insecurity, the fear of not having enough food, and eating disorders show up in various ways. Here are some of the signs that your [...]

By |2016-08-24T15:22:42+00:00August 24th, 2016|Foster Care in CA, foster to adopt|Comments Off on Helping Foster Children Overcome Eating Disorders

4 Huge Advantages to Adopting Locally

Now that you’ve decided to adopt, the next question is whether to adopt a child locally, domestically, or internationally. There are children everywhere that need homes, but there are a few benefits to adopting one (or several) from your local area through foster care adoption. The child can stay in his home area. With all the other changes going on in the child’s life, it’s very helpful to have have at least one area of continuity. If the child is able to stay in an area with familiar places and [...]

By |2016-05-31T11:30:03+00:00May 31st, 2016|foster to adopt|Comments Off on 4 Huge Advantages to Adopting Locally

Questions to Ask Yourself Before You Foster Adopt in Shasta County

Foster parenting and foster adoption are noble undertakings. But they’re not for everyone. So how can you tell if you’re cut out for the task? The foster adoption agency in Shasta County will take you through an application process, but there are still a few more questions you should ask yourself before committing to it. Am I ready to help a child heal? Many foster children have gone through traumatic circumstances, such as abuse or neglect. They may suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder and exhibit extreme fears, attachment difficulties, aggressive [...]

By |2016-05-04T15:52:48+00:00May 4th, 2016|foster to adopt|Comments Off on Questions to Ask Yourself Before You Foster Adopt in Shasta County
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